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Urbanogram Journal Issue 2024

Sophie Schrattenecker und Stefan Gruber, Absolvent*innen des Architekturstudiums an der Kunstuniversität Linz, haben zusammen mit Kommilitonen der Bartlett am UCL das "Urbanogram - Journal of the Built Environment" ins Leben gerufen.

In der dritten Ausgabe sind erstmalig auch zwei Studierende der Architektur der Kunstuniversität Linz unter den Autorinnen: Cecilia Trotz und Paul Paptistella

Dis-Ruptive Horizons

In this edition of Urbanogram, a compilation of theoretical as well as practical works bears witness for ongoing disruptions. A total of eleven articles from young architectural designers, theorists and artists with a high diversity of cultural backgrounds allows insights into distinct anthropogenic [1] scenarios contemporarily encountered in urban environments in different parts of this world. At this, the plural notion of horizons acts as a provocative gesture to accentuate a multitude of pressing challenges, which can be faced if we are receptive to a diverse variety of scenarios and propositions.
Dis-Ruptive Horizons focuses on four key subject areas directly linked to the anthropogenic condition described above: Trauma, Infrastructure, Technology and Housing. In their essays our writers explore how conflicting and disruptive forces manifest in the built environment, how they have shaped our material and immaterial world in the past and in the present, and how they might affect our future. It is the objective of this issue of Urbanogram to highlight pluralist approaches to the anthropogenic condition we are all part of. It has never been more important to conceptualise new inclusive, brave, nonconformist, and indeed, disruptive horizons. Our writers, architects and architectural theorists are meeting these new challenges with an open mindset and a toolkit full of creativity.
Editorial Team

Urbanogram Journal of the Built Environment was initiated by a cohort of seven alumni after graduating from the Bartlett School of Architecture in the fields of architectural history and historic urban environments. It is a project bringing together architectural theorists and architects from all parts of the world by regularly publishing their texts about historic urban environments in contemporary contexts. The journal’s core object lies in an international author- and readership, thus exploring the field of tension between urbanism and an increasingly globalised world, where cities and urban landscapes epitomise cultural diversity in sheer infinite ways. At this, Urbanogram seeks to assemble academic texts and creative works by authors rooted in their cultures, who are interested in a comprehensive perspective on their respective every-day urban environments.

Editorial Team
Cassandra Osterman, Fanny Ciufo, Lavenya Parthasarathy, Lei Jiao, Longhua Gu, Neha Fatima, Sophie Schrattenecker, Stefan Gruber, Kleovoulos Aristarchou

Follow Urbanogram on Instagram @urbanogramjournal 


Urbanogram - Journal of the Built Environment 2024

Urbanogram - Journal of the Built Environment 2024