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By The Vistula River: Introduction to the Polish Contemporary Art Scene

15. März 2022, 15.00 Uhr Audimax, Domgasse 1, 4020 Linz und ONLINE via Webex

Die Bildhauerei -transmedialer Raum lädt zum Gastvortrag von Tomek Pawłowski-Jarmołajew.

This talk will briefly introduce the most important phenomena in the post-war history of Polish art, the post-transformation development of institutional structures as well as current discussions, trends and challenges in the Polish artworld The Vistula, as a river that flows exclusively within Polish borders, will serve here as a figure of intertemporal and intergenerational flow of ideas, (de)construction of national identity and the dynamics of cultural policies with their impact on the visual arts community and infrastructure.

Tomek Pawłowski-Jarmołajew is a curator, cook, performer, and animator of artistic life. They studied Curating and Art Theory at the University of Arts in Poznań and participated in curatorial courses and programmes in Sofia, Belgrade, Stockholm, and Gothenburg. They collaborate with artists of the young generation, collectives, independent galleries and institutions across Poland and Central Europe on the realization of exhibitions, performance projects and public programs. Recent projects and exhibitions include Apostasia: Rituals of Letting Go, Garage Gallery, Prague; Abundance Test Kitchen, as part of the School of Kindness, Sofia; A - Angel, Anarchy, Angelina, solo show by Angeline Mass, DOMIE, Poznań. In 2020 Tomek was a member of the curatorial team of the 2020 Biennale Zielona Góra Returning to the Future. In 2019-2020 co-curator of Sandra Gallery 2019 (together with Aleksandra Polerowicz and Magdalena Adameczek), a nomadic agency that brings together and supports young FLINT artists related to Poznan. Karaoke and food lover living and working across Białystok, Prague and Poznań.

ONLINE access:

Meeting-Link: kuni-linz.webex.com
Meeting-Kennnummer: 2731 890 9617
Passwort: 45amPJSMkm5
Gastgeber-Kennnummer: 164316

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+437-203-800461 Austria Toll
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Zugriffscode: 2731 890 9617
Gastgeber-PIN: 3379

Foto © A. Cimochowicz