zum Inhalt

Harald Moser

Harald Moser is a media artist (co-founder of wollle) and studied Interface Culture at the University of Art and Industrial Design, Linz (AT) and at the Institute of Advanced Media Art s and Sciences, Ogaki (JP). He worked as Interface- and Exhibit Designer, Project Manager and Consultant for remarkable clients and institutions national and international. His relation to Ars Electronica was affected by Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau who lead him through his MA. From 2010 till 2012 he was Part of the Ars Electronica Futurelab. Then he established a new unit within Ars Electronica Solutions called Urban Media Development. 2014 he was travelling around the world to research for his Phd focussed on cities development.

Thomas Wagner

He worked as a graphic designer in an advertising agency in Salzburg before he attended the Interface Culture program. Beside media arts and science he is interested in photography. Thomas was part of the "recipeTable" team and currently works on the "Atem-Raum" project. He is assistant for Interface Culture.

Timm Wilks

Born 1982 in Germany, studies media design since October 2003 at the University of Art and Industrial Design in Linz with main course Interface Culture. In 2006 he was an exchange student at IAMAS in Gifu Japan. He produced several interactive installations: Soundtoy, Active_Dirndlsong, WireBrain all shown at Ars Electronica 2005.

Andreas Zingerle

Andreas Zingerle started working in the field of photography and media technology in 2002. Andreas photographic work includes documentation of Springfestivals (2005: Holi, India; 2006: Galaxidi, Greece; 2007: Dio de los Indianos, Spain), experimental and architecture photography. His mediaart deals with the human-machine interaction and he could realize project like the RecipeTable (2005), AtemRaum (2006), Metacom (2006), Solargrafica (2007). He is assistant for Interface Cultures.

He contributed amongst others to exhibitions and venues such as MoCA (Boston), Ars Electronica (Linz), MQ (Vienna), Dislocate (Tokyo), Simultan (Timisoara), Maker Faire (Austin), Automatica (Munich) or Off Limits (Dortmund). He participated at Film Festivals such as LUFF - Underground Film&Music Festival (Lausanne), PANTHEON Xperimental (Nicosia), ONEMINUTE Filmfest (Toronto), Digital Fringe (Melbourne) or INSTANTS Vidéo Numériques et Poétiques (Marseille).