For more information about the portfolio, deadlines for the online registration and the entrance exam please see the following file:
Dates Entrance Examination 2025.pdf
You can download a manual on how to register for the entrance exam here:
Online-registration process to the entrance exam.pdf
The admission examination is composed of the following qualifications (part examinations):
The admission interview provides a context for specifically evaluation the applicant`s suitability to meet the skills profile for exercising the teaching profession. This refers to corresponding performance-related, personal, technical and pedagogical competencies requiered to train as a teacher for schools and is a unique selection feature of this curriculum.
The maximum validity of the proof of artistic aptitude, which is demonstrated by the candidate by passing the entrance examination, is 20 months. The candidate must initiate his/her studies within the matriculation time, which may shorten this period. In case of exmatriculation, the same curriculum may be resumed within a total of 20 months. After expiry of these 20 months, the entrance examination must be undergone once more before being allowed to resume the curriculum.
Legalization of Foreign Documents in Higher Education.pdf
At the beginning of the entrance examination please bring with you:
Certificates from abroad / foreign-language certificates authorized / translated
Registration for the teacher training program
In addition to the artistic admission test, you must have completed Module A (online self-assessment). This is followed by registration for Module B (electronic admission test). This takes place on set dates.
Application process to the PhD Programme
Detailed information on the Application process to the PhD Programme can be found here.