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Entry to Austria and Residence

Entry to Austria

Here you can check if and which entry and residence documents you need
Information OeAD entry to Austria and residence

For non EU citizens - Visa

If you are a citizens of non-EU/EEA countries you might require a visa for Austria. Get in contact with the Austrian Embassy/consulate regarding the visa modalities. You have to take care of visa arrangements by yourself.
Further information

after arrival

For all - Residence Registration within 3 days

In Austria everybody (Austrians, EU/EEA nationals, nationals of third countries) has to register within 3 days after arrival at the City Hall (eg. Magistrat Linz, Bürgerservice or at the Gemeindeamt) with the “Meldezettel” signed by your landlord/lady (Landlord*lady can also be your flatmate) a main or secondary residence.
Autorities Offices Linz

For EU/EEA countries - Anmeldebescheinigung within 4 month

Nationals of EU/EEA countries and Switzerland, who are staying in Austria longer than 3 months, have to apply to the competent municipal authority for a document called "Anmeldebescheinigung" within the first 4 months of their stay.

  • Any change of the residential address has to be reported to the registration office within three working days, any change of other data has to be reported within one month.
  • The confirmation of registration (Meldebestätigung) should be kept safe because you will need it for certain dealings with the authorities (e.g. for a renewal of your residence or domicile permit). 


End of Stay

For all - Deregistration 

Before leaving Austria you have to cancel your registration.
Autorities Offices Linz

 update May 29, 2024