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You need to register online to be able to participate in the admission examination. All information about the registration process and current examination dates is given here.

The admission examination comprises the following partial examinations:

• Submission of work samples

• Practical test on a set topic

• Admission interview

The admission process takes place online.

Admissiontest: July 3rd and 4th,  2024, Uhrzeit: 9.30 a.m.
Registration: Mart 20 to June 13, 2024
Online registration. for the admissiontest.
The next Bachelor course will start in October 2024.

Requirements for work samples to be submitted for the admission examination:

• One folder with approx. 25-30 work samples of current graphic studies, paintings, designs, sketches or artistic concepts. The portfolio should be composed of graphic work, nature studies and colour compositions. 

• In the nature studies, please try to capture the characteristics of objects (e.g. organic or technical forms) and to explore their shape in three dimensions. The nature studies need not be drawn perfectly from the technical angle; rather, it should be possible for the jury to understand how highly your drawing skills are developed, what your artistic vision is like, and how much of this vision you are able to translate into artworks.

• Since pattern development is given an essential role in textile design, special interest is assigned to free and/or ornamental, rhythmic compositions in colour. 

• If you have already created applied or experimental textile works, please add photographs of these to the folder since it is impractical to bring the original works themselves along.

• The folder is to convey an impression of your personal approach to creative processes. A key aspect lies in emphasising your freelance artistic talent. The material presented must absolutely convey an inherent artistic intention, whose quality and meaningfulness set it apart from average school work.
In addition to embodying a fundamental interest in pursuing a creative and design-oriented profession, your folder should at any rate convey an idea of the artistic processes chosen by you and the way in which you deal with them. 

• The sheets should not be smaller than A3 format. They must not be mounted with a frame or passe-partout or be modified in any other way for presentation. The best solution is to leave the works in their original format and original condition. 

• Write your name clearly and legibly on the folder. At the beginning of the admission examination, the folder must be handed over to the board of examiners.

During the Covid-19 distance online admission, a digital portfolio (folder) must be submitted via the digital registration platform.

The participation in the online exam is only possible if the portfolio is rated positivly.


Please bring the following materials along to the admission examination:

pencils, brushes, scissors and cup

It is recommended to obtain an opinion at the Department regarding the standard of the candidate’s already created artworks before undergoing the admission examination.



Examination Venue:

The entrance examination takes place online or at University of Arts Linz. The decision on the exam location will be announced by March 2023.

In the case of an online exam, please make sure you have a good internet connection and use a computer with a camera! In the week before the entrance exam, you will be informed by e-mail about the specific procedure of the online exam.

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Johannes Schweiger
johannes.schweiger@ kunstuni-linz.at

A.Univ.-Prof. Doris Bujatti, MA
M: +43 (0) 676 84 7898 2351


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