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Examination Regulations

The participants must be present for 2/3 of the courses covering Theory and Professional Practice in order to graduate. The participants must be present for 2/3 of the Design Practice course as well as handing in a portfolio with documentation of their work, in order to graduate.

The successfully graduating participant will be given the title of „Academic Textile Expert“.

Possible Further Education
If there is a demand, there is the possibility of the further development of this course into a two-year course. The second year would entail the writing of a master thesis and the degree would be given the academic title of “Master of Arts” along with a Diploma certificate.

em. O.Univ. Prof. Mag.art. Margareta Petrascheck-Persson

Conception und Strategy
Mag.art. Christina. Leitner

Martina Lehner

Kunstuniversität Linz
Hauptplatz 8
4020 Linz | Austria
und Textile Centre Haslach
Phone: +43 (0)7289 72300