zum Inhalt

Admission to the University

If you have successfully passed the entrance exam, or have received a confirmation of being able to start your study programme at our university, please contact the student's office at studien.office@kunstuni-linz.at to be admitted to our university.

Information for Students of our Teacher Training Programme: after passing your entrance exam, the LiLes Office will handle your admission.

Information for people interested in our PhD Programme: Application Process to the PhD Programme

Online Pre-Registration

Applicants who 


  • have passed an entrance exam / interview in the past 20 months, or 
  • had an entrance interview and were asked to submit their information in our UFGonline system, 
  • or are being admitted based on a cooperation agreement (e.g. Erasmus), 
  • or want to attend individual courses and do not want to enrol in a graduate programme, or are co-registering at our university,

need to create an account for applicants on our UFGonline and have to submit their personal information at "My Applications".
For more information, please see this PDF.


Applicants need to finish their enrolment in person at the student's office. Please bring the following original documents to your appointment:


  • Valid passport, personal ID card, or a driver’s license combined with a proof of your citizenship
  • Proof of an Austrian social insurance number (e.g. e-card), for Austrian citizens only
  • High school diploma*/ secondary school*/ university entrance certificate* (e.g. Austrian "Reifeprüfungszeugnis", German "Abitur", IB Diploma, containing all pages. This document is compulsory for the study programmes BA Architecture, BA Industrial Design, BA Cultural Studies)
  • German language certificate (B2) for the study programmes Architecture (BA, MA), Industrial Design (BA, MA), Cultural Studies (BA) and Media Culture and Art Theories
  • Bachelor’s degree certificate* and a Diploma Supplement in order to enrol for a Master’s programme
  • Certificate proving the change of your name if the name in your passport or on your ID card does not match the name on your documents (e.g. marriage certificate)
  • Deregistration certificate if you are coming from another Austrian university and want to enrol for the same subject at the University of Arts Linz
  • Certificate proving your Austrian student number (“Matrikelnummer”) if you have been registered at an Austrian university, or a college of higher education

* IMPORTANT: Applicants for the study programmes


  • Architecture (BA), Industrial Design (BA), Cultural Studies (BA) and
  • all Master programmes

who did not acquire their graduation in Austria, might have to provide additional entrance requirements/ legalisations in order to begin their study programme. This requires the student’s office to verify your documents in advance. Therefore, we highly recommend sending your documents BEFOREHAND to studien.office@kunstuni-linz.at. You can find more information on our homepage.

Please also note the following requirements regarding the legalisation procedure of foreign documents.