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Department of Art History and Art Theory

Gender Studies and Curatorship focuses

At Kunstuniversität Linz, the section of Art History and Art Theory with its focuses on Gender Studies and Curatorship was conceived for students of all curricula. Through lectures, seminars, workshops and excursions, a cultural-scientific perspective and transdisciplinary procedures are employed to address art and art theory, the art industry, visual art and visual politics. The aim lies in the joint development of high argumentative competence for both conceiving and perceiving art.

"Gender" is considered an elementary category of all theories of art, culture or media and must be dealt with in conjunction with other categories such as ethnicity, territory, religion, age, sexual orientation, social background and many others. The Curatorship programme, which is offered for the first time in 2010, enables Kunstuniversität Linz to establish a novel research and teaching model that evaluates the approaches and contexts in which artistic projects are received and responded to for their significance over time. As typical examples of the unique profile of Kunstuniversität Linz, these two focuses are a “USP”, as it were, among Austrian institutions of higher learning.

The programme Art History and Art Theory is an integral part of the scientific master programme Media Culture and Art Theories.

Univ.-Prof. Dr.phil. Anne von der Heiden

Univ.-Ass. Mag. Christian Scherrer

Kunstuniversität Linz
Department of Art History
and Art Theory
Domgasse 1
A-4020 Linz