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Co.Lab MIXED REALITY serves the exploration and utilization of creative processes and methods in a virtual environment. Especially in industrial design, VR-based design tools and methods and the connection of virtual to analogue environments show enormous potential for the design process. Virtual reality, combined with technologies like eye-tracking, facilitates the simulation and evaluation of interaction with future products. The development of new fields of competence allows us to forge alliances with businesses, industries and research institutions.

Co.Lab MIXED REALITY of the Department of Industrial Design explores virtual product and innovation development of the future, virtual usability studies and new design methods. The application of different technologies, e. g. virtual reality, augmented reality or mixed reality, facilitate our research. Equipped with state-of-the-art VR headsets, Co.Lab MIXED REALITY offers specific courses for all students of the University of Arts Linz.

In the future, design concepts will be simulated virtually, many steps of the design process will be transferred to virtual reality. Co.Lab MIXED REALITY, part of the Department of Industrial Design, addresses this subject and conducts research in the field of virtual innovation development and product design. It develops concept prototypes and variants in virtual space and simulates their utilization in different virtual scenarios. Gained insights are used in the ensuing steps of the process.

Co.Lab MIXED REALITY integrates different technologies, e. g. virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality, into the design process and generates new methods cutting corners in the innovation development process and improving the quality of design and usability.

Equipped with state-of-the-art VR headsets, Co.Lab MIXED REALITY offers a full range of courses for all students of the University of Arts Linz. Especially industrial design students join Co.Lab MIXED REALITY to access the tools of tomorrow for their work.

Industrial design applies a multitude of methods to develop new product solutions. From simple freehand sketches to photorealistic images, 3D data and the construction of prototypes, the Co.Lab focuses on presentation, simulation, discussion and further development of product ideas.

The application of new technologies in design processes, e. g. virtual reality (virtual depiction of objects and spaces), augmented reality (depiction of virtual objects in real space) or mixed reality (blended, simultaneous depiction of virtual and real objects and spaces), is gaining more and more significance.

Even in early stages of research and analysis, we can simulate and evaluate product ideas and contexts much better and faster.

New VR tools for 3D modelling and virtual interaction are emerging dynamically, giving designers new possibilities – practically on a weekly basis.

Not only can we present products and concepts impressively in a designated environment. Through integrated interaction and eye-tracking, we can simulate and test applications at an early stage.

Virtual product presentation, instructions and support share a technological basis, allowing designers to shape interaction with products when they are bought and used.


Univ.-Prof. Mag.art. Mario Zeppetzauer

Univ.-Prof. Mag.art. Elke Bachlmair



Jürgen Ropp



Kunstuniversität Linz
Institut Raum & Design
Abteilung Industrial Design
Hauptlatz 6, 3. OG, H60341
4020 Linz | Austria