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Services for members

In addition to information on numerous activities of the Kunstuniversität Linz, forum - Kunstuniversität Linz offers the following extensive services:

For all

  • discounted admission to all major Linz art and cultural institutions with the forum card
  • free monthly newsletter with information about events, calls for entries, competitions, scholarships, jobs, etc.
  • excursions to important exhibitions and festivals such as Documenta, Manifesta and Biennials
  • free or discounted participation in regular events such as forum Dialog, Survival Training for Artists and continuing education workshops
  • possibility of attending general courses
  • Member platform for advertising and publishing events as well as links to your own website

For partners

Additional services:    


  • Linking of the company website on the Kunstuni website (web link and logo)    
  • discounted room rental for Audimax (location Kollegiumga

For graduates of the Universtiy of Art and Design

Additional benefits:


  • Retention of  your ufg e-mail address
  • Participation in in-house competitions and in the forum scholarship of € 10,000 for artistic or curatorial projects, scientific work, stays abroad, etc.
  • No tuition fees when enrolling as an associate student (except for ÖH contribution per semester)
  • Possibility to participate in the exhibition format forum presents
  • Possibility of borrowing from the equipment located in the buildings of the University of Art and Design Linz.

Geschäftsführerin / Kontakt
Mag.art. Ursula Witzany 
Hauptplatz 6
4020 Linz

Raum H6.03.31
Bürozeiten: DI bis DO von 09.00 bis 12.30 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung

T: +43 (0)732 7898 2471
M: +43 (0)676 84 7898 273
ZVR-Zahl: 422126719