zum Inhalt

Art and Design Department

The field of work of the Department of Art and Design is based on the curricular (further) development and specification of the courses offered at the Linz location, the organization and implementation of the teacher training course in Visual Education and participation in the specialist discourse.

The following principles and issues form the framework for teaching and work at the department:

  • Understanding qualitative art education as a constant reflective process of the individual in which their own artistic/creative practice, subject-specific sciences and didactics are closely interwoven,
  • Questions about the constant core competencies of future art educators,
  • the concept of a balanced dialectic between subject-related presentation and free artistic work as well as the question of the balance between purpose-related qualification and the playful freedom of purpose of creative and artistic activities,
  • Analysis of the interplay between the potentials of > material and technology, > personal, social and societal issues, > design challenges and > art.

On the one hand, the department focuses on the conception and development of innovative study programs (didactics), the content of which is oriented towards socially relevant issues. On the other hand, design theory, which is understood as the basis of artistic and creative studies, is significant.


Prof. MMag. Jutta Strohmaier

Deputy Head

A.Univ.-Prof. Mag.art. Wolfgang Schreibelmayr


T: +43 732 7898 2464

University of Arts Linz
Department of Art and Design
Hauptplatz 8, 2nd floor
4020 Linz | Austria

Institute Office

Mag.phil. Eva-Maria Unterweger
T: +43 732 7898 2464 
M: +43 676 84 7898 382


Institute for Art and Education
Hauptplatz 8, 2nd floor, HP80230
4020 Linz | Austria

Teaching staff campaign of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research "Klasse Job"