zum Inhalt


Studying architecture at the University of Arts Linz - the architecture - is dedicated to current social issues in architecture and spatial design in general. Socially responsible architecture and liveable cities and settlements are the goal. The degree program is oriented towards a contemporary and critical examination of culture, art and technology, as well as the demands of ambitious and committed students.

The Bachelor's program teaches the basics of space and body, function, construction, material, atmosphere and form. The Master's degree program deepens design skills based on complex topics and expands the focus to larger, urban planning scales.

architecture at the University of Arts Linz offers a comprehensive and practice-oriented education for the diverse challenges in the professional field of architecture and interior design. With the four studios BASEhabitat / RAUMkultur / Urbanistik / zoomtown , Austria's smallest architecture faculty has developed a nationally and internationally recognized profile in recent years.

Designing space means social responsibility. The ecological, economic and social aspects of architecture and urban planning are therefore an integral part of the architecture course in Linz. The architectural work with form, material, construction and atmosphere is accompanied by a critical examination of current social and political challenges. the architecture sees itself as a development laboratory for social and artistic processes: from careful task analysis and theory through design and experimentation to structural implementation and interventions on a 1:1 scale, whereby teaching, research and practice are always closely intertwined.

In addition to professional qualifications architecture focuses on social skills and cooperation. The close exchange and good cooperation between students and with lecturers are decisive for the high quality of education in Linz. The new premises in the Brückenkopfgebäude Ost reflect this aspiration: the open structure of studios, workshops, kitchen and lecture hall - with a view of the main square and Danube - offers the ideal ambience for learning, thinking and designing together. The manageable size of the course allows for small working groups and intensive, personal support. The permeability between the year groups emphasizes collaborative work and learning from each other. Cooperation with architecture firms, companies and public institutions enables a practical environment and direct contact with experts from a wide range of disciplines. Active involvement in the organization and content of conferences and symposia allows students to gain in-depth insights into theoretical debates. Jointly organized excursions at home and abroad are legendary and a fixed part of every academic year.

Quotes from students

"Not only do you get a great subject-related education here, but you can also develop as a person. The good mix of close contact with lecturers, a variety of fellow students and a cosmopolitan atmosphere offer the best conditions for my architectural and social development."
Lavinia W, Bachelor of Architecture student

"What I think of Linz is: close, manageable, friendly, life by and with the river ..."
Sandra K, Master's Architecture student | BASEhabitat

"The focus of the architecture degree program in Linz is super intensive and exciting. The opportunity to incorporate other disciplines from the University of Art into my studies enriches me completely. After completing my Master's degree, I will confidently enter the world of work - I'm looking forward to it!"
Anna F, Master's Architecture student


Sigi Atteneder
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.phil.


Sabine Fehringer 
Petra Stumbauer
T: +43 732 7898 3242

Office opening hours

MO to DO: 8.00 to 12.00
and 13.00 to 16.00

University of Arts Linz
Department of Architecture
Hauptplatz 6
4020 Linz | Austria