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Master Programme Architecture

Next to an intensified involvement with architecture, the Master program provides the possibility to develop a specific profile within architecture. We offer a critical practical and theoretical engagement with architecture and spatial development in the areas





The Master program architecture is a development laboratory, which spans across the named areas and from which courses and projects can be selected. A comprehensive analysis of tasks, experimenting with and testing of construction, form and function, a high degree of social responsibility and artistic quality, as well as the building of prototypes, 1:1 interventions, and actual construction and building projects are central elements. International awards earned by design projects and master theses highlight and acknowledge these competences (World Energy Globe, Aga-Khan-Architecture Award Bangladesh, First prize “Just Jerusalem” MIT)


Master Architecture | BASEhabitat

The University of Art and Design Linz offers a new branch of study within the architecture master from Oktober 2018. Its focus lies on socially just, ecologically and economically responsible architecture and spatial development in a global context. Central elements of the program are planning, designing and building, mainly with renewable building materials, such as earth and bamboo, and cooperation with partner-NGOs and local communities. The master combines lectures from classical architecture education with specific offers from BASEhabitat and ends with the final degree ‘Master of Architecture’.

international, sustainable, collaborative – for a new generation of architects

Academic Title
MArch (Master of Architecture)

Career Options
The curriculum trains students for all career options within the fields of architecture, urban and regional planning as well as in theory of architecture, architectural journalism, architecture management, building administration, the construction industry and project development.

Sigi Atteneder
assoz.Univ.Prof. Mag. Dr.

Studyadministration for the
BA and MA Study in Architektur
Univ.Prof. DI Michael Zinner, PhD
M: +43 (0) 676 84 7898 243
no admission advice

Studyadministration for BASEhabitat
Univ.Ass. DI Ulrike Schwantner
T: +43 (0) 676 84 7898 293

Contact BASEhabitat