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Schnittstelle x 63

11. Jänner 2023, 18.15 Uhr Kunstuniversität Linz, Hauptplatz 8, 4. OG, Lecture Theatre

Vortrag von Gabriela Gordillo and Davide Bevilacqua im Rahmen der Gastvortragsreihe „Schnittstelle“ der Visuellen Kommunikation.


DYI - D*sign Your (own) Infrastructures!

Exploring critical approaches in design & technology

Gabriela Gordillo and Davide Bevilacqua will talk about servus.at and about servus d*sign week, which will happen again in autumn 2023.
This guest lecture happens as a real live event with Gabriela and Davide coming in person to Lecture Theatre at Hauptplatz 8 – the talk will be in English. We will have drinks and food afterwards = please let us know, if you are coming, so we know how many people we will cater for!
servus.at is an autonomous initiatives based in Linz that deals with open source internet infrastructure. It offer internet services to artists and associations, and also question and research current issues of the networked society through artistic research. In this presentation servus members Gabriela Gordillo and Davide Bevilacqua will propose questions dealing with design and the practice of maintaining autonomous internet infrastructure.

With a first iteration in 2021, the servus d*sign week is a series of radio conversations with design professionals working in the context of independent and alternative practices. The event provides space for questions such as the current political aspects of design, the ways we approach and relate to digital production tools or imagining the future of authorship and production licenses. In 2023 the d*sign week will be realized in cooperation with Potato Publishing, Radio FRO and the Kunstuniversität Linz.

Gabriela Gordillo, is a media artist and researcher working in the fields of sound, interfaces and live art performance. Her interest is in the topics of time, dialogue and displacement explored through transdisciplinary practices. She is a graduate from Interface Cultures MA, Kunstuniversität Linz and collaborates with servus.at, since 2019.

Davide Bevilacqua is media artist and curator interested in network infrastructures and technological activism, as well as in curatorial and artistic research frameworks. He is currently interim manager & curator at servus.at, where he organizes the community festival AMRO Art Meets Radical Openness since 2018. He teaches at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam, is part of the artist collective qujOchÖ and is a member of the program boards of the Festival der Regionen and of LINZ FMR.

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