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Civic Design, Digital Transformation and Social Cohesion

4. November 2020, 12.00 bis 13.00 Uhr ONLINE: Microsoft Teams

Special series on Critical Data

Interface Cultures lädt, im Rahmen der Invited Lectures Series, zum Gastvortrag von Bianca Herlo

register with an email to davide.bevilacqua@ufg.at

In her talk Bianca Herlo will address design’s agency within collaborative practices at the intersection of academia, policy and civil society. On the basis of practice-based research projects lead during the last years at the Design Research Lab of the Berlin University of the Arts, she looks at contexts and conditions for design to enable transdisciplinary research as well as civic engagement, inclusion and digital participation. She investigates the opportunities for social cohesion and design’s role in increasingly networked systems and social contexts.

Bianca Herlo is a researcher, lecturer and designer based in Berlin. She is head of the research group “Inequality and Digital Sovereignty” at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society and deputy head of the Design Research Lab, Berlin University of the Arts.




Bianca Herlo