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8th International BCI Meeting

7. bis 9. Juni 2021 Brüssel, Belgien

Interface Cultures PhD Kandidatin Erika Mondria präsentiert ihre BCI-Arbeiten "PHYSIO TRANSFORMER", FACES IN THE MATRIX", "RIXL-CAPS" im Rahmen der internationalen BCI-Konferenz am 9. Juni 2021.

Registrierung: bcisociety.org/bci-meeting/registration WS 14 Gehirn-Computer Schnittstellen für Kunst.

Interface Cultures PhD Candidate Erika Mondria will present her BCI art-works "PHYSIO TRANSFORMER","FACES IN THE MATRIX", RIXL-CAPS" at the 8th International BCI Meeting: 2021

More information and registration here: bcisociety.org/bci-meeting/registration WS 14 Brain-Computer Interfaces in Art.

The BCI Society was established 2015 as an international organization based in the Netherlands. It is led by a Board comprising members from all over the world. The International BCI Meeting brings together a wide range of research groups and disciplines vital to BCI research. Erika´s presentation reflects on the values and contribution of interactive artistic projects for society, and how art-thinking is contributing in scientific- and clinical settings.


© Erika Mondria