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30. Nov. 2017 bis 24. Februar 2018 Galerie Charlot, Tel Aviv, Israel

Christa Sommerer und Laurent Mignonneau, Leitungsteam von Interface Cultures an der Kunstuniversität Linz, zeigen im Rahmen der Ausstellung ihre interaktive Installation "Egometer". 

With works by Morehshin Allahyari, Yaron Attar, Yael Burstein, Laurent Mignonneau & Christa Sommerer, Quayola, Evan Roth.

Curated by : Valentina Peri

The neologism "Archeonauts", from which this exhibition draws its title, is a portmanteau conflating the root of « archeology » with a word meaning « seafarers » in ancient Greek. The first component articulates a double meaning, that of antiquity (archaios) but also the act of ruling and dominating (archein), as Sigfried Zielinski has pointed out in his essay Deep Time of the Media, while the affix « -nautes » ideally refers to a repertoire of figures connected with the experience of travel, be it a journey 

Laurent Mignonneau and Christa Sommerer
are internationally renowned media artist and researcher and pioneers of interactive art. Laurent Mignonneau studied video art at the Academy of Fine Arts Angouleme, France. Sommerer studied botany and anthropology at the University of Vienna and sculpture at the University of Fine Arts Vienna. They met at the Institute for Media run by media pioneer Peter Weibel in 1991. After an artist-in-residency at the NCSA National Center for Supercomputing Application, Beckman Institute, Urbana, IL USA and at the NTT-ICC Inter Communication Center, Tokyo Japan they worked as researchers at the ATR Advanced Telecommunications Research Laboratories in Kyoto and at the IAMAS Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences in Ogaki, Japan.


"Egometer" © Laurent Mignonneau & Christa Sommerer, Interactive work, Unique piece, 2017