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D R E A M S / N I G H T M A R E S

Eröffnung: 22. Oktober 2021, 16.00 Uhr; Ausstellung bis 29. Okt. 2021 Galerie WHA, Domgasse 1, 4020 Linz

Ausstellung von Studierenden der Kunstuniversität Linz, kuratiert von Sanaz Rafii.

It was so dreamy. Heaven right in front of our eyes.
Never have I could guessed it will become a complete Nightmare.
Hell in front of our eyes. In the same spot. Only in different durations.

The project is defined and curated by Sanaz Rafii, with the collaboration and participation of artists from kunstuniversität Linz and international artists.

László Belkovits (1990, Romania)
Sanaz Rafii (1986, Iran)
Valentina Rodríguez ( 1998, Colombia)
Soheil Rostami (1984, Iran)
Francisco Rubiel Osorio Faber (Born 1983, U.S.A.)
Nicolás Rueda (Colombia, 1995)
Mathias Schlägel (1985, Austria)
Tajda Stiplovsek Jug (1999, Slovenia)
Gabriella Vincze-Bába (1987, Hungary)

The exhibition consists of different mediums including painting, photography, sculpture, installation and video works. Every artist is describing and presenting their own perspective on the context of D R E A M S / N I G H T M A R E S. Rubiel is adopting to new places he has been living ,describing the impact of art ,its relation to life and human impact on the environment.
Vincze-Bába is inspired by Szondi’s philosophy, in relation to family roots, her past and what we achieve from our roots, how they affect us, our life and present. Rueda is talking about the immigrants and immigration, the definition of home, the difference between reality and the dreamland.
Rostami is expressing the spirit and soul of his surrounding, and also Bringing the dreams of the artist to his work. Expressing the world we live as the dreams come true from the system of the power.
Rodríguez and Schlägel made a video work together, showing the reality but the effect of our feelings, sensations and emotions on how we perceive our surrounding, how our feelings are affecting on the way we see our surroundings and landscapes around us which makes it dreamy or nightmarish.
Stiplovsek Jug is describing the location we sleep, she is expressing dreams as the unconscious world, where and when we sleep but the effect of our environment on this matter.
Rafii is working on Time/duration and the interfere of humanity on the surroundings.
How the world by itself is beautiful and dreamy, and the role of humanity on making it nightmarish.

Werktags: 9.00 bis 18.00 Uhr
Feiertags: 10.00 bis 15.00 Uhr