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Intersections: image and technology in the field of creativity

25. Juni 2013, 15.30 Uhr IC Lecture Room, Kollegiumgasse 2, 3. OG

Gastvortrag vonPaulo Bernardino Bastos im Rahmen der Interface Cultues Invited Lecture Series. 

Keywords: Art, Creation, Image, Interaction, Technology.

We are living through a resilient depending moment on images. In fact, we always need images to mediate the contiguous world. Developing and transforming images was continuously across technology – and we see that throughout the art history.

With the arrival of the digital, the intersection between technology and image became interactivity. Therefore, enouncing a positioning condition directed to the space of installation and proceedings issues.  Providing the state of work‑in‑progress we will look at the creative act as a field of selection, reinforcing the idea that the meaning of creation probably has to be restructured.

According to the prevailing cultural scenario, we are trespassing a metamorphosis, which is turning us into a society that possesses a technological skin mainly composed of images. In fact, the technology is always turned into perfecting the image – and this may be seen as our wills for understanding the world through its simulations. Therefore, we try to understand the subject, how it was done, by whom, when, etc., and the interest on the image lies firstly in this possible reference to the visible world – need of placing the image and connecting with it.

Being technologies has been always present throughout the art history – mainly constituted by images. We will try to understand in which extent digital technology interferes with the artistic procedures. The result of the intersection between technology and image became interactivity; which drives us to perceive the development of the idea of shared production that spreads out as will inherent to the attitude of the creative act. The work, on being revealed in the aspiration of interactivity, enounces a positioning condition directed to the space of installation and proceedings issues.

The idea of author starts to get others points of view, and the work starts to leave the condition of being by it self. Providing the state of work-in-progress – posing as the central issue, and tempting the absolute believe into, interactivity – we will look at the creative act as a field of selection more than a quest for the "new" (more than creating we see the work appearing by joining), reinforcing the idea that the meaning of creation is to be replaced by the act of selecting, leaving the artist to deal with a conversion of less creative attitude into a more modifier attitude.

In the first part of this lecture it is constructed a genealogy of the image, and also the technological interferences, the location of the images and the mediums used for the constitution of the real.

In the succeeding parts we will try to understand how is the meaning of the images coordinated, and why do we need and seek for images.

At the end of the lecture we will endeavor to the proceedings of the viewer before the digital innovations, in order to understand in which way the interaction interfere with the positioning of the public ahead of the aspects of creativity.

Paulo Bernardino Bastos
has a doctorate (Ph.D.) in ART STUDIES. He has been, for the last five years, the director of the Post-Graduate Program (Master) in “Contemporary Artistic Creation”, in the Department of Communication and Art at the University of Aveiro (Portugal), where he teaches. He studied sculpture at the Faculty of Fine Art (Porto), Portugal, and received his MA-Sculpture from Royal College of Art, London, England.
While Artist begins to use, as a means of expression, traditional techniques framed by the disciplines of drawing and sculpture. Trying to articulate his field research between theory and practice developed his universe of research looking at the images produced by the various technological mediations. Has been participating in several international events as lecturer and as artist.