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L.A.S.S.O mit S()fia Braga und Amir Bastan

Eröffnung: 8. Februar 2023, 19.00 Uhr; Ausstellung bis 17. Feb. 2023 Atelierhaus Salzamt, Obere Donaulände 15, 4020 Linz

Die beiden Interface Cultures Absolvent*innen S()fia Braga und Amir Bastan beteiligen sich an der Ausstellung.

Performance: Amir Bastan (Creative Robotics)
supported by qapture GmbH.

Felt Cursed, Might Delete Later explores the machine gaze to create speculative visions from the Novacene, a new era of collaboration between humans and non-humans towards earthly survival and deceleration of the forthcoming extinction of organic life as we know it.

New systems of post-scarcity based on enhancing human self-realisation, cybernetic ecologies, and many new possibilities are attainable, but at one condition: overcoming the anthropocentric vision, accepting the human condition as an evolutionary step towards a new world shaped for synthetic living forms.

Within her narrations Braga appropriates vibes originating from internet subcultures, exploring tropes and speculations such as cursed images, backrooms, and meme culture.

The series L.A.S.S.O. shows works by Linz based artists who are currently using a studio in the Salzamt.Local Artists Solo Show Observations

Die Serie L.A.S.S.O. zeigt Arbeiten Linzer Künstler*innen die aktuell ein Atelier im Salzamt nutzen.Local Artists Solo Show Observations


Einladung zur Ausstellung L.A.S.S.O. © Atelier Salzamt