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::vtol:: atypical mechatronics

18. November 2020, 12.00 bis 13.00 Uhr ONLINE via Microsoft Teams

The talk will take place online on Microsoft Teams.
To participate, please contact davide.bevilacqua@ufg.at 

Dmitry Morozov aka ::vtol:: in his lecture "Atypical mechatronics" will talk about the work of a media artist at the intersection of new technologies and contemporary art. Taking into account the specifics of the genre, media artists comprehend modern technologies from an artistic point of view, studying various fields and directions, such as sound art, robotics, interactive objects that serve as inspiration and become the basis for their works.
Dmitry defines the art objects created by him as autonomous systems with interactive elements. Many of the objects involve a sequential elaboration of concepts in order to create the "myths" behind each work. Explores the themes of chaos and self-organization of systems, analyzing social, biological, physical phenomena. In his works, he constantly refers to the concepts of "Deep Media" and "Media Archeology".

Dmitry Morozov aka ::vtol:: (b.1986, Moscow) is a transdisciplinary artist and researcher. He focuses on contemporary media arts including sound, robotics and installation, placing special emphasis on the link between emergent systems and new kinds of technological synthesis.

His works have been exhibited at museums and galleries worldwide, including the NCCA, MMOMA, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Tretyakov State Gallery, Electromuseum, Laboratoria Art&Science Space (Moscow), Laznia Center for Contemporary Arts (Gdansk), ZKM Zentrum (Karlsruhe), Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art (Boulder), National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (Taichung), Kapelica gallery (Ljubljana), ArtScience Museum (Singapore) etc., in 4th MBCA (Moscow), SIGGRAPH 2016 (Anaheim) and in festivals such as Mirage (Lyon), Ars Electronica (Linz), Future Everything (Manchester) and CTM (Berlin).

He is the award winner of the Sergei Kuryokhin Prize (Russia, 2013), Prix Cube (France, 2014) and also received honorary mentions at VIDA 16.0 (Spain, 2014) and Prix Ars Electronica (Austria, 2015, 2017).


© Dmitry Morozov