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Workshop mit Delphine Kini Mei

4. bis 6. Mai jeweils 10.00 Uhr Sonnensteinstraße 11-13, 2. OG, Labor Time Based Media

Die Studienrichtung Zeitbasierte Medien lädt zum Workshop mit adv.Dip Delphine Kini Mei.

adv.Dip Delphine Kini Mei
Interdiciplinary artist and performer,as well as culture producer and art programmer. Born in Taipei, Taiwan, and grew up in the USA , since 2005 has been living in Europe, base now in both Taiwan and Europe. Miss Mei has studied Dance in National Institute of Arts, BFA/BA in Interdisciplanary Arts and Art History from Univesity of Illinois at Urbana Champaign USA, and Advanced Diploma in Physical Theatre and Interdiciplinary Performance Arts from the MimeCentre, Helsinki Finland.

Delphine's work has been shown around the world, centered around women/gender, travel/migration/cultural transition and transfer, building meaningful social network community, youth empowerment thru art and knowledge sharing, and enrich and support sub-culture's survival and evolution.
