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Alexander Jackson Wyatt

3. Dezember 2019, 18.00 Uhr Kunstuniversität Linz, Domgasse 1, 1.OG, Seminarraum, DO0132

Die Abteilung Bildhauerei - transmedialer Raum lädt zum Vortrag von Alexander Jackson Wyatt.

Often culminating in sculpture and installation, Jackson Wyatt’s cross-disciplinary practice works through found and sourced materials in combination with text, photography, sound and video. His work is anchored by a confusion of images, language and design; architecture and urban space; developed into spatial interventions or ephemeral situations; so as to challenge a viewer awareness and perception of space.
Jackson Wyatt Studied at the National Art School in Sydney, Australia (2007-2010), with Armin Linke and Michael Clegg (Clegg & Guttmann) at the HfG/ZKM in Karlsruhe (2012-2013) and with Heimo Zobernig at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna between (2014-2017).
He has exhibited throughout Australia and internationally, has undertaken a number residencies in Italy (SUDLAB, Naples 2013, Emporio Amani, Milan 2013), Germany (Spinnerei, Leipzig 2012) and Australia (National Art School, Sydney 2013, Cementa, Kandos NSW 2014). Notable prizes and grants include the Artstart Grant from Australia Council for the Arts (2012), Emporio Armani Commission (2013), the National Association for Visual Arts Australia (2014), CAL Cultural Fund, Australia Council Commission, Australia (2015) and NSW Artist Grant, Australia (2019).
Recent notable exhibitions include SCAMMING at the Palazzo Lancia in Turin, Italy (2017) Dream’n Wild at ALASKA Projects, Sydney Australia (2018), Immuremnt at Station Gallery in Melbourne, Austria (2019). Other significant collaborations include the on going sound and video collaboration performance with Nicolas Jasmin, recently performed at the Belvedere 21, Vienna, Language Strategies at The Austrian Cultural Forum, London, UK and The Captivity, The Flattening at KNULP in Sydney Australia with Stafett, Marina Faust and Nicolas Jasmin.
Jackson Wyatt was born in Sydney, Australia 1989. Currently lives and Works between Sydney and Vienna.

Alexander Jackson Wyatt.pdf

Plakat zum Vortrag von Alexander Jackson Wyatt, 2019