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Ludics for a Ludic Society

MI, 24. Juni 2015, um 14.00 Uhr Sonnensteinstr. 11-13, ZV Seminarraum 3

Spielformen des Selbst als Künstlerische Strategie.

Die Abteilung Mediengestaltung Lehramt lädt zum Gastvortrag von Margarete Jahrmann.

Margarete Jahrmann Prof. for Game Arts at the Zürich University of the Arts, Mag. Art, Ph.D.
Margarete Jahrmann is an artist, curator and researcher in activism, ludic methods, games & arts with an international record of exhibitions and conferences. Since 2006 she is Professor for Game Design at the University of Arts Zürich and since 2000 Senior Lecturer of Art and Technology at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna and is guest lecturer at the Interface Cultures program at the University for Art Linz. She initiated the arts affiliation “Ludic Society” both as arts project, research association and editing house for the Ludic Society periodical. In 2013 she curated, designed and conceptualised a major research exhibition on “Technology, Exchange & Flow” with an Alternate Reality Game as exhibition design at Kunsthalle Vienna. Together with the curator Brigitte Felder she published a book under the title “Play & Prosume”, Verlag für Moderen Kunst Nürnberg in 2013.  

Jahrmann has received major media arts awards, such as the distinction in interactive arts, PrixArsElectronica 2003 and the software arts award, Transmediale, Berlin 2004. Since then she participated in numerous renowned exhibition sites for new media & arts, such as ZKM Karlsruhe (2013), Kunstmuseum Aarhus, DK (2009), Laboral Gijon (2007), Spain.  2011 Performance and Alternate Reality costumes, The Third Woman Game, Galapagos Art Club, New York. (ARG Code Dress performance).  2011 Performance and solo show, Subliminal Messages Window (Hommage to W.S. Borroughs). Electronic Avenue,  Museumsquarter Schauraum, Vienna. (Iphone App/ AAA profiler &Installation Performance). 2012 art project and exhibition, Sail Against The End, Sabotage Gallery Vienna. (3D print and duration performance),
2013 exhibition participation, Artists in Exchange New Delhi, India, Lalit Kahla Academy, AR Trench_Code (Urban Performance with colonial Trenches). In 2014 she participated at Akademie der Künste Berlin, Über den Schwindel, exhibited at Wandzeitung Vienna, Steinbrener-Dempf and the Centre for Storytelling Luzern on Identity Players. 2015 she presented her work at the Zurich “Newsgames” Conference ZDOK, exhibited at RE-­culture III, "RISK", 3rd International Visual Art Festival Patras and Athens, lectured at Leuphana Lüneburg Symsposion on “Gamification”, at transmediale Berlin on “arts forms of of publishing, the Ludic Society Magazine” and “arts based research” at the art space Durchhaus in Vienna.

Margarete Jahrmann, Constant Beyond Gamification. In: Daniel Cermak-Sassenrath, Chek Tien Tan, Charles Walker (Eds.), Playful Subversion of Technoculture, Gaming Media and Social Effects, Springer 2014 Jahrmann, M. & Felderer, B. (eds.), 2013. Play and Prosume, Schleichende  Werbung und schnelle Avantgarde. Technology Exchange and Flow, Verlag für moderne Kunst, Nürnberg.