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Artist-in-Residence: Talia Mukmel

18. Oktober bis 20. November 2021 Einführung: 19. Okt. 2021, 13.00 Uhr, HS Lehramt, Hauptplatz 8

Die israelischen Designerin, Talia Mukmel wird im Rahmen ihrer Residency und im Kontext ihrer Residency-projekts in die Projekte an der Abteilung Gestaltung:Technik.Textil eingebunden sein.
Am 19. Oktober 2021 gibt Talia Mukmel eine Einführung in ihre Arbeit.

Anmeldung unter: institut-kub.office@ufg.at

Talia Mukmel is the third-generation of a family of textile designers and manufacturers.Her practical and theoretical interests lie at the intersection between materials, visual language, and cultural identities.Her work is basedmostly on a study of traditional crafts, advanced technologies and local production methods. During her professional training she faced the challenge of creating objects which "time" can be seen through them and that contain emotional and cultural values. Talia combines present themes and symbols taken from major fields such as religion, history and culture, through which she seeks to raise questions regarding the importance of the object and material as silent agents in dynamic cultures and societies.

Talia Mukmel (1985) is a multidisciplinary artist and a material researcher. She graduated from the Industrial Design Department at Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem (2012). These days, she is completing herMaster's Degreeinthe faculty of Arts at Tel Aviv University.


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Talia Mukmel, Photo by: Daphna Sarussi