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Gastprofessor SS 2017

Mit SS 2017 wird Prof. Masaki Fujihata bei Interface Cultures als Gastprofessor das Lehrteam verstärken.

The Interface Cultures department at the Institute for Media at University of Art and Design Linz is proudto announce that media art pioneer Prof. Masaki Fujihata will be visiting professor at the InterfaceCultures department from 1. March 2017 until 30.September 2017.

Prof. Masaki Fujihata is a trailblazing media artist, renowned in Japan as well as abroad. His computergraphics work is celebrated since the 1980ies. He shifted his interest to creating 3D sculptures fromdata using 3D printing technologies in the mid 1980ies, as f.e. in his CNC-routed Geometric Love (1987)and the stereolithographic Forbidden Fruits (1989). In the mid 90ies Fujihata produced canonicalinteractive pieces such as Beyond Pages (1995-1997) and Global Interior Project (1995). His workdiscusses everything from how we interact with interfaces to the ways we might communicate in virtualspace. He also was one of the first artists to work with GPS technology and data aesthetics and is a keyfigure in the Cinema of the Future and VR/AR art and technology movement.

Prof. Masaki Fujihata’s teaching experience spans over 25 years. It includes positions as Professor andDirector of the Graduate School of Film and New Media at the Tokyo University of the Art, a GuestProfessor position at the College of Image Arts and Sciences at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto, aProfessor position at the Faculty of Environmental Information at Keio University in Tokyo, as well as aGuest Professor position at Université Paris 8 in France.

Masaki Fujihata won the 1996 Golden Nica Award as well as the Award of Distinction in 2013 at the PrixArs Electronica. His 40 years of art experience has recently been published in the Masaki FujihataAnarchive 6 book series produced by Anne-Marie Duguet. This edition includes monographs by mediaart pioneers such as Antoni Muntadas, Michael Snow, Thierry Kuntzel, Jean Otth and Fujiko Nakaya.


Ankündigung Gastprofessur Masaki Fujihat.pdf

Prof. Masaki Fujihata