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Georg Essl

13. Oktober 2016, 14.00 bis 17.00 Uhr Interface Culture Lecture Room, Domgasse 1, 3.OG

Interface Cultures lädt zum Gastvortrag von Georg Essl im Rahmen der Interface Lectures Series.


Synthesis Algorithm and their Performance Interfaces
In order to build a new musical instrument, one must design both how it sounds and how it is performed. The relationship between these two goals, known as the “mapping problem,” is a critical challenge in the design process. In this talk, I present numerous methods for solving the mapping problem by drawing on psychological, physical, and other constraints and also discuss how these approaches lead to various interface designs.

Mobile Phone Orchestras in Practice - 6 years of the Michigan Mobile Phone Ensemble
Eight years ago, the iPhone heralded a new era of multi-touch and sensor-rich smart mobile devices. The practice of using mobile devices for creative performance actually predates this event. In this talk, I describe six years of creative practice after launching the Michigan Mobile Phone Ensemble as well as my continued efforts to support creativity through mobile technology.

Georg Essl is currently Visiting Research Professor at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. He has been affiliated with the University of Michigan, TU-Berlin, MIT Media Lab Europe, University of Florida. He holds a Ph.D. from Princeton University. He was a founding director of the Stanford Mobile Phone Orchestra (with Ge Wang and Henri Penttinen). He founded and directed both the Berlin Mobile Phone Orchestra and Michigan Mobile Phone Ensembles. His research interests include the design of new musical instruments, sound synthesis, mobile music, and recently the understanding of emotions evoked by music.

Georg Essl