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TEI Conference

11. bis 13. Februar 2013 Barcelona, Spanien

Die Interface Cultures Studierenden Alberto Boem, Veronika Krenn, Vesela Mihaylova, Daichi Misawa und Ivan Petkov zeigen ihre Arbeiten auf der TEI Conference.

SculpTon / Alberto Boem
Sculpton is an autonomous sonic object which uses the metaphor of sound sculpting for connecting physical information in digital audio. By manipulating the object the user can literally sculpt the sound through a real-time sound synthesis which reverberates any modification of the object structure. This project explores a novel approach compared to previous work and research around the topic of sound sculpting: user gestures is not externally sensed but within the artifact itself. Sculpton is an attempt for the development of a new kind of embodied musical instruments which combine multidimensional control, tangible and malleable characteristics with an organic handling.

Acidable / Veronika Krenn & Vesela Mihaylova

Acidable is a turntable, which uses the acid from oranges to control the different sound samples. Sweeter oranges will give the user other samples than sour oranges. It also can happen that with a bag of oranges the user will never be able to experience all the redefined sound samples. By playing with turntable the user also produce fresh orange juice in the meantime.
The Acidable uses potentiometers, rotary encoders and an Arduino board to communicate with Max/Msp.

Transparent Sculpure / Daichi Misawa
Transparent Sculpture is an interactive sound installation, where the structure of directional sounds is created.

Fleischwolf / Ivan Petkov

"Fleischwolf" is an interactive sound installation in the form of a meat grinder mounted on a massive wooden table. Turning the crank causes the machine to emit a sound that initially resembles a very deep bass voice. When the crank is turned more vigorously and faster, the characteristics of the sound change too. At a certain speed, a baby’s scream is recognizable, but due to the construction of the meat grinder, it’s hard to maintain this sound. So whether this scream is audible at all depends on the installation visitors.
This work is an experiment in the context of media psychology and interactive art. Although it consists of very specific, interconnected elements, the message it conveys is determined by the experiences and backgrounds of each individual visitor.


"SculpTon" Alberto Boem

"Acidable" Veronika Krenn & Vesela Mihaylova

"Transparent Sculpure" Daichi Misawa

"Fleischwolf" Ivan Petkov