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13. März 2017, 14.00 Uhr Interface Culture Lecture Room, Domgasse 1, 3.OG

Interface Cultures lädt zum Gastvortrag von Renick Bell im Rahmen der Interface Lectures Series.

Algorithms can be used to quickly produce large volumes of surprising music, andmaking these systems interactive in real-time creates opportunities for improvisationalperformances. Conductive, a Haskell library, is one such tool with a live coding interface. The lecture will introduce the tool itself, its supporting infrastructure, and thehistory of its development. The capabilities of the tool will be demonstrated.

Dr. Renick Bell
the author of Conductive, is a computer musician, programmer, and teacherbased in Tokyo, Japan. He teaches programming courses at the International College of Liberal Arts at Yamanashi Gakuin University. He is a graduate of the doctoral program at Tama ArtUniversity in Tokyo. His current research interests are live coding, improvisation, andalgorithmic composition using open source software. He performs internationally (frequently atalgoraves), and released music on the labels UIQ, Quantum Natives, Tsuku Boshi, Deep SpaceObjects, and the3rd2nd. He has releases forthcoming on Halcyon Veil and Beatgatherers.

Renick Bell