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Cultural Space Programme

13. Mai 2013, 16.00 Uhr Interface Culture Lecture Room, Kollegiumgasse 2, 3. OG

Gastvortrag von Miha Turšič bei Interface Cultures

The Cultural Centre of European Space Technologies (KSEVT) programme focus is the research and development of a programme dedicated to space culturalization. KSEVT is the only institute in the world which systematically enables continuous dialogue between artists and scientists to create awareness about space culturalization and at the same time foster visibility towards the complexities of cultural understanding next to the existing technological development within space exploration.

KSEVT recognizes itself – within the existing space programs structure – as an organization that enables the development of a framework for future cultural space programmes and promotes its implementation in the existing activities of space exploration and cultural development.



Miha Turšič
(1975) finished industrial design studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana in 1999.
In a period from 1995 to 2005 was involved into worldwide product and brand development. From 2004 was actively involved in space culturalization, designing zero-gravity dwellings and postgravity art in collaboration with Dunja Zupančič, Dragan Živadinov and Yuri Gagarin Cosmonauts Training Centre in Russia.
In his career he co-founded several institutions in field of research, development and art. Currently he is a director of KSEVT (Cultural Centre of European Space Technologies) and is focused on developing a Cultural Space Program.

Miha Tursic director and co-funder of KSEVT