Collaboration: The Energie AG honors young talent with art awards
Energie AG honored the winners of its three young artists' awards. CEO Leonhard Schitter, along with Maria Venzl (curator of OÖ Landeskultur GmbH) and Alfred Weidinger (managing director of OÖ Landeskultur GmbH), welcomed the artists to the awards ceremony. Alessia Fallica and Martina Pizzigoni, students at Interface Cultures / Media Institute, win the 2024 Dream Scholarship. They are going to realize their project "Digital Chiangimuerti." The two artists explore the topic of death and mourning in the digital age in their work. Inspired by traditional mourning rituals from southern Italy, they aim to transform these into an interactive digital performance, thus reinterpreting the emotional dimension of the mourning process in an innovative way.
das weisse haus
Interface Cultures geht ab 2022 eine neue Partnerschaft mit dem Weissen Haus in Wien ein: dwhX ist der digitale Zweig von das weisse haus, einer kollaborativen Plattform für zeitgenössische Kunst in Wien, Österreich. Der Kunstverein bietet entlang verschiedener Kooperationen ein lokal verankertes und international ausgerichtetes, experimentelles Programm aus Ausstellungen, Performances, Workshops und diskursiven Formaten. Neben einem Atelier- und Residencyprogramm verkörpert dwhX die dritte Säule von das weisse haus: Als flexible Struktur konzipiert, widmet sie sich der kritischen Reflexion der wachsenden Verschmelzung von analogen und digitalen Realitäten. Gemeinsam werden dwhX und Interface Cultures notwendige digitale Infrastrukturen für die Produktion und die Verbreitung zeitgenössischer Kunst online erforschen und ein Fellowship ins Leben rufen, das sich mit Fragen rund um die postdigitale Institution auseinandersetzt.
Interface Cultures and the Das Weisse Haus Vienna establish a new partnership:
dwhX is the digital branch of Das Weisse Haus; it is a collaborative platform for contemporary art in Vienna Austria. The association offers various local and international partnerships, experimental programs, exhibitions, performances, workshops and discursive formats. Besides the atelier and residency program, it also provides a flexible structure for critical reflections about the increasing merging of analog and digital space. Together dwhX and Interface Cultures are exploring digital infrastructures for the production and disamination of contemporary art online. A new fellowship program was also established to explore questions around the post-digital institution.
Ars Electronica Linz
is cultural, educational and scientific institute active in the field of new media art, founded in Linz in 1979. It is based at the Ars Electronica Center, which houses the Museum of the Future, in the city of Linz. Ars Electronica’s activities focus on the interlinkages between art, technology and society. It runs an annual festival, and manages a multidisciplinary media arts R&D facility known as the Futurelab. It also confers the Prix Ars Electronica awards.
Ars Electronica is partner of Interface Cultures since many years. Projects of the Interface Cultures Students are featured in the Campus format of Ars Electronica Festival on a yearly basis.
Design Research Lab
The Design Research Lab is a platform for interdisciplinary research into new forms of human computer interaction, critical making, community based infrastructures and digital education.
Several diverse groups are tied into the Design Research Lab network: As a team, we investigate future perspectives for a digital society, its ramifications, and policies for inclusive and sustainable development. We believe in participatory design and invite different groups of people to join our research endeavors in order to reflect on their individual experiences, hopes, and constraints. Furthermore, we work with interventions, cultural hacking and design explorations as research methods to address today’s challenges in a different way. Besides the professorship for design research at the College of Architecture, Media and Design at the Berlin University of the Arts, The Weizenbaum Institute investigates the current changes in all aspects of society occurring in response to digitalization.
The goals are to develop a comprehensive understanding of these changes based on rigorous academic analysis and to offer informed strategies to address them at a political and economic level. The Design Research Lab is involved with two research groups. Within the Einstein Center Digital Future Prof. Dr. Gesche Joost is principal investigator for the topic of digital humanities and society. For the DFKI the Interactive Textiles research group builds on extensive expertise in the field of concept development for electronic textiles and wearable technology and is dedicated to the design and analysis of portable interfaces based on textile materials and production techniques. Using the methods of interdisciplinary and participative design research, projects are developed around human-machine interaction with wearables and soft interfaces.
is a Slovenian and European network of art research and culture centers operating at the intersection of art, science and technology. This interdisciplinary triangle is a platform for developing innovative products and services for a humane technology of the future.
RUK is a network of creatives and organizations connecting art to scientific disciplines. Our ideas focus on humanizing technology and fostering technological systems to support humans as co-creators in the arts, culture, the natural environment, architecture and urbanism. Our innovative products shatter the one-dimensional goals of market growth.
RUK’s primary mission is to create bridges between natural and social sciences in areas such as information and communication technologies, virtual, augmented and mixed realities, robotics, biotechnology and nanotechnology. Non-linearity and processuality reveal new possibilities for production practices in the economy as well.
The project’s goal is to integrate arts and culture into scientific and technological research, development and innovation, digitalization, entrepreneurship, training and education, with an emphasis on the humanities and social sciences, ecology, circular economy and sustainable development.
Das Department Interface Cultures entwickelt derzeit interaktive Kunstprojekte für den EUROPARK Salzburg. Diese werden im Sommer 2020 präsentiert. Der EUROPARK Salzburg, in dem Kunst und Kultur groß geschrieben wird, ist das beliebteste Shopping-Center in der Region und zählt mit seiner besonderen Architektur und den über 130 Shops mit über 1000 Marken in der Branche zu den außergewöhnlichsten und erfolgreichsten Shopping Malls Europas. Der EUROPARK wird von der SES Spar European Shopping Centers - einem Unternehmen der SPAR Österreich - Gruppe - gemanagt.
was stablished in 2009 in Tokyo, Japan. By using algorithms in the process of creation, Qosmo reveals new forms of expression and perspectives. The name “Qosmo” comes from the word “cosmos” which has meanings in two extremes, the “order of the universe” and an “ornamental flower”. Their research and art production is on AI and algorithmic design, with the motto of “Computational Creativity and Beyond”.
smec - Smarter Ecommerce
Interface Cultures announces a new partnership with the SMEC Company in Linz, Austria.
smec - Smarter Ecommerce is a SaaS company committed to delivering propulsive, best-in-class software solutions custom-tailored to the Google Ads platform.
In March 2019 the first Interface Cultures Student will join smec for a project which tries to combine and leverage interface culture thinking with business aspects.