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Practice-based research and evaluation in ARTiVIS

23. Mai 2013, 14.00 Uhr IC Lecture Room, Kollegiumgasse 2, 3. OG

Gastvortrag von Mónica Mendes im Rahmen der Interface Cultues Invited Lecture Series.

ARTiVIS is a research project that investigates innovative concepts and design methods regarding the use of real-time video as raw material for artistic exploration on environmental causes. B-Wind!, Hug@ree and Play with Fire are interactive installations that have been developed, publicly presented and evaluated in the scope of this research.

In this lecture, Mónica Mendes will present an overview of the research acknowledged in the scope of her PhD in Digital Media, with a focus on the hybrid methods used for evaluating interactive works – a process that gradually developed from usability aspects to more subjective issues like environmental awareness.

Mónica Mendes
is a designer and Multimedia Art professor at the University of Lisbon, holding a PhD in Digital Media. She is also a CIEBA associate researcher at FBAUL and a founding member of the AZ Labs hackerspace altLab.

Portrait Monica Mendes

