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The Archeology of Future

10. Jänner 2012, 11.00-13.00 Uhr Kollegiumgasse 2, Interface Cultures

Gastvortrag von Michael Saup "The Archeology of Future"

"The Archeology of Future" is an artistic talk about the shift from the digital arts employing bits stored via electrons to the nuclear arts employing radiation released via atoms. Paradigms of information society are currently inversed by the discovery of our final cultural heritage: a large drawing with the nuclear pencil of society on the canvas of time. The worldwide contami-nation needed only two generations to leave this lasting impression. As art is the signature of a species it is time to reevaluate our mission: the collective that has evolved into the connective will have to evolve into the corrective. Code that evolved into codecs will need to evolve into codex. The door to Future is wide open.

Michael Saup
was born in March 1961 in Hechingen, Germany. In 1992 he founded the group "supreme particles", helping to establish the field of audiovisual processing. This group specialized in the creation of experimental software in connection with art, architecture and music. In 1999 he was appointed as founding professor for Digital Arts at ZKM / HfG Academy of Art and Design in Karlsruhe, where he remained in residence through 2005. The turn of the century saw Michael Saup begin to focus on political and social issues, such as nuclear history and financial theory. In 2011 he was co-founder of the Open Home Project to help people from Japan to be received as guests overseas.
Michael Saup is currently working on a documentary movie about the crisis in Japan and a feature film about the nuclear age.

Abstract und CV.pdf


Michael Saup