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Waste as information

21. Dezember 2017, 14.00 Uhr Interface Culture Lecture Room, Domgasse 1, 3.OG

urban infrastructures and the materiality of data (Booktalk)  

Gastvortrag von Dietmar Offenhuber im Rahmen der Interface Lectures Series

"Waste is material information. Landfills are detailed records of everyday consumption and behavior; much of what we know about the distant past we know from discarded objects unearthed by archaeologists and interpreted by historians. And yet the systems and infrastructures that process our waste often remain opaque. In my talk, I will examine waste from the perspective of information, considering new technologies for making waste systems legible and their political implications. I will talk about waste tracking and participatory sensing projects in Seattle, São Paulo, and Boston, projects by artists and activists and emerging technological paradigms." D. Offenhuber

Dietmar Offenhuber
is assistant professor at Northeastern University in the departments of Art + Design and Public Policy, where he heads the Information Design and Visualization graduate program. He holds a PhD in urban planning from MIT, an MS in media arts and sciences from the MIT Media Lab, and a Dipl. Ing. in architecture from the Technical University Vienna. Dietmar was key researcher at the Austrian Ludwig Boltzmann Institute and the Ars Electronica Futurelab and professor in the Interface Culture program of the Art University Linz, Austria.

His research focuses on the relationship between design, technology, and governance. Dietmar is the author of the award-winning monograph Waste is Information – Infrastructure Legibility and Governance (MIT Press) and published books on the subjects of urban data, accountability technologies and urban informatics. His PhD dissertation received the Outstanding Dissertation Award 2014 from the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT, his research received the Best Paper Award 2012 from the Journal of the American Planning Association and the Ascina Award 2017.

Dietmar Offenhuber, PhD
Assistant Professor
Program Head MFA Information Design and Visualization
Art + Design | Public Policy and Urban Affairs | Northeastern University


