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Kitchen Talk No.5

Abgesagt: <s>11. Mai 2023</s> neuer Termin wird bekanntgegeben Kunstuniversität Linz, Hauptplatz 6, 1.OG, Küche

raum&designstrategien lädt immer Mittwoch abends Künstler*innen ein, aus ihrer künstlerischen Praxis zu erzählen. Es wird gemeinsam gekocht und gegessen, Projekte werden gezeigt und Studierende, Lehrende und Gastvortragende und -kochende diskutieren, was eine zukünftige Praxis für Raumstrateg*innen sein könnte.

Diese Woche zu Gast:


Nikolay Oleynikov (Chto Delat) and Alessandra Pomarico

Nikolay Oleynikov is artist; punk; antifascist; member of CHTO DELAT; harmonica/ percussion/voice of Arkady Kots band; mentor at Chto Delat SCHOOL of ENGAGED ART; present at ROSA’s House of Culture; co-pilot at Free Home University; part of the FireFlfyFrequencies.org cohort; contributor and editor for artesevery-where. ca; author of the SEX of the OPPRESSED (FreeMarxistPress/PS-Guelph). Solo and collective exhibitions worldwide.

Alessandra Pomarico (Free Home Univ.), Since 2000 she works at the in-tersection of arts, pedagogy, social issues, nano-politics, and the poetic of relationship in community building. Her practice is based on research and context-based art pro-jects, with a focus on social change.
Ideas and collaborations often resulted in long term initiatives as the recent and on going Ammirato Culture House, a hub for social practices and a community center in a formerly dismissed municipality building; The Common Orchard for Minor Fruits, a generative rural and social project in collaboration with organic farmers and activists; Free Home University, an artistic and pedagogical experiment co-designed to investigate new possibilities to produce knowledge and share the learning by experiencing life in common; Sound Res (since 2004) a residency program, festival and summer school for experimental and new music. Mobilizing and bridging local and international institutions, governmental bodies, different communi-ties, cultural actors and activists from the local and international world, Alessandra’s challenges have echoed in lasting alliances, some memorable failures, artistic projects that blend into life, and solid friendships.

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