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Vortrag von Sam Chermayeff

8. Jänner 2014, 19.00 Uhr afo architekturforum oberösterreich, Herbert-Bayer-Platz 1, Linz

New standards and new boundaries between people, places, outside and everything else

Vortrag von Sam Chermayeff - Kooperation mit dem afo und Sustainable Architecture+Spatial Tactics.

New standards and new boundaries between people, places, outside and everything else. We are not sure why we live the way that we do, we do not know what we need and we certainly do not know what we want. We suggest that this is a problem though many would argue that our lives are quite comfortable. We know only that we address our fear of each other with a set of structures that come from circumstances quite different from what will come and perhaps different from what already exist. Where public begins and private ends must be rethought along with our definitions of each.

Sam Chermayeff
Sam Chermayeff from New York is one half of the partnership June14 Meyer-Grohbrügge & Chermayeff . The two met at SANAA in Tokyo where they worked from 2005 to 2010. Their venture begins with a desire to make things, places and atmospheres for people. The office and work aims to have people relate to architecture, for architecture to relate to people and for people to relate to themselves. June14 searches for an understanding of different ways of living and working in the contemporary world. The work stems from a belief that architecture can make things happen and that things can happen to architecture. The office is an exchange with its users. It is open to new ideas. (Sam graduated from The University of Texas at Austin, attended the AA school in London, teaches a master studio at the Dessau Institute of Architecture, has taught at Columbia University, ETH Zürich and is involved in several other programs.)
The office is based in Berlin and New York.

Sam Chermayeff wird am 9. und 10. Jänner 2014 an der Kunstuniversität Linz einen Workshop zum Thema Negotiating Boundaries halten.

Foto © Arno Brandlhuber