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BASE Theorie 4: Lecture Series #5

20. Mai 2021, 16.00 Uhr ONLINE via Zoom

Can bio based materials save the planet?

Uaing healthy low impact consruction materials

Basehabitat lädt zum Gastvortrag von Tom Woolley.

Zoom-Meeting beitreten: us02web.zoom.us
Meeting-ID: 886 4970 3408
Kenncode: aebKt8

contact basehabitat@ufg.at for access

Building construction is a major constributor to climate change.
The lecture will touch topics like:
*Greenwash policies on energy efficiency that ignore the issue of embodied energy.
*Moving from petrochemical high energy material to low impact bio based materials such as hempcrete.
* Key issues such as health, indoor air quality, pollution
* The potential for low impact materials in future plans such as the EU renovation wave.

Tom Woolley is an architect and environmental researcher living in Northern Ireland. He is known for his work an sustainability, building materials and low impact construction. Tom has published widely on construction, planning, housing, green architecture and buildings and health. As a consultant he is involved in a range of EU sustainability standards working group and member of the Irish Hemp Co-operative.

BASE Theorie 4: Lecture Series #5 PLAKAT.pdf