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Cairotronica Challenges and Successes

18. Jänner 2019, 15.00 Uhr Kunstuniversität Linz, Hauptplatz 6, 5. OG, Glashörsaal C, HP60501

Interface Cultures lädt in Kooperation mit dem AEC und Kunst.Forschung, QM & PE zum Vortrag von Haytham Nawar.

Cairotronica is a festival of Electronic and New Media arts in Cairo, Egypt. Planned to be held biennially. It includes a program of activities, exhibitions, talks, workshops and screenings by local, regional, and international artists as well as academics, and technology experts. Cairotronica aims to inspire, educate, and challenge students and audiences from across the region.
Organizing Cairotronica in a city facing much political and social instability was a big challenge for us. The art scene in Cairo was badly affected throughout that last 7 years by those instabilities, finding alternative solutions to bring projects that speaks to people in a language that governments can’t read was our mission.

Haytham Nawar is an artist, designer, and educator. He is assistant professor and director of the graphic design program at the American University in Cairo as well as founder and artistic director of the Cairotronica, Cairo Electronic and New Media Arts Festival. His work was exhibited at many international exhibitions, the latest of which was the 2015 Venice Biennial. He is a Fulbright alumni.

© Haytham Nawar