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Sankt Interface 2022

16. Dezember 2022, 17.00 Uhr - open end Kunstuniversität Linz, Domgasse 1, Audimax und Dokapi, 4020 Linz

Sankt Interface 2022 proudly presents the eighth Computer Mouse/keyboard Contest!

We all have them, we all use them… hack your computer mouse and keyboard and win a prize!

The catch is… weird ideas… crazy metaphors… strange hybrids!

‘Sankt Interface’ is an artistic project organized by Interface Cultures which serves also as the annual celebration of our de-partment. It is not a coincidence that it is celebrated around every ninth of December, the same day of 1968 when Douglas Engel-bart did his ultra-famous conference, known today as “The Mother of All Demos”. At Sankt Interface, academic conferences, artistic performances, exhibitions, concerts and a “Computer Mouse Award” conform a celebration transforming into a happening in which stu-dents, professors, and friends of Interface Cultures participate at the same level.

This year’s event includes the keynote “Très(h)chic” By Sašo Sed-laček, Professor at ALUO University, one of the most prominent Slovenian artists, whose work explores various social phenomena particularly the practice of recycling. For Sedlaček, poverty and waste are the key issues, which are of great significance to our future. Sašo has exhibited extensively around the world including 6 Taipei Biennial, Taiwan, Land(e)scape, Kunstlerhaus Graz, Insti-tute for Advanced Media Art and Science, Ogaki, Japan, Public Tur-bulence, ISOLA Art Center, Milano, Museum In The Street, Museum of Modern Art Ljubljana, ISCP Open Studio, New York, Future Nomad, Vox Populi, Philadelphia etc. Keynote in collaboration with Aksi-oma, institute of contemporary art. Supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Municipality of Ljubljana.


But Sankt Interface 2022 also includes art performances, the eighth edition of the infamous ‘Computer Mouse Award‘ and a series of live music performances with electronic instruments, as well as some hot DJ sessions, which will close the night. It’s all a must see!


Program (in progress):

17.15 to 17.25h Welcome address by Prof. Dr. Christa Sommerer. (Au-dimax)

17.25 to 17.35h Introduction to Sankt Interface 2022! by Ph.D. Can-didate César Escudero Andaluz.

17.35 to 18.15h Keynote by Sašo Sedlaček. (Audimax)

18.15 to 18.30h Q&A session.

18.30 to 19.00h Performances, To the Edge of The Galaxy by Tomomi Watanave & Tiago Martins, Projection installation by Kevin Bla-ckistone. (Audimax)

19.00 to 20.30h Computer Mouse Contest Award presented by Enrique Tomás. (Audimax)

20.30 to 21.30h Dinner and jury decision break. (Audimax)

21.30 to 22.00h Awards ceremony. (Audimax)

22.00 to 23.00h “Interface-parade", from Audimax to Dokapi’s te-rrace + “The pointer ascension”. (Dokapi)

23.00h - Open end. Concerts and DJ sessions from Interface Cul-tures Students, Teachers & Friends: Doğuş Karlık + DJ Döner, Juan Linares Ceballos + Katherine Romero + 1, Razieh + Bahid, Kristina Tica + Sara Koniarek and more to be confirmed. (Dokapi)

Sankt Interface 2022