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Unlocking the Potential of Play for Engagement and Discovery

17. Jänner 2023, 12.00 Uhr Kunstuniversität Linz, Domgasse 1, Interface Cultures Lecture Room

Interface Cultures lädt zum Talk mit Thomas Wagner

The talk explores the potential of games and immersive experiences as a means of storytelling and understanding the world around us. Through a playful approach in their research and work, the Polycular team explores how these experiences can change perceptions of public space and teach media literacy for navigating future realities. Using examples of their work such as Escape-Fake, an AR game that debunks fakes by following two storylines, the talk explores the possibilities of using playful experiences as a tool for engagement and discovery.

Thomas Layer-Wagner is a designer, developer, and entrepreneur with a passion for new forms of interaction and creating immersive experiences. He has over 15 years of experience in the creative industry. He completed his studies in Interface Culture at Linz University of Art in 2010 and later researched and taught at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences. He is the co-founder of the creative technology studio Polycular, which specializes in the development of XR applications and experiential and game-based learning solutions.

Thomas Wagner © Birgit Probst