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Creative analytic writing workshop_Elina Penttinen

3. Nov. 2021 von 10.00-18.00 Uhr in Präsenz, 24. Nov. online (3 Std.) Kunstuniversität Linz, Domgasse 1, 4. OG, DO0425, 4020 Linz

Course description: 

This one and half day workshop is directed to doctoral students and academic staff who want to enhance their writing style and find confidence in their writing process. During the course we will use a range of creative exercises to find new ways to engage with one’s own research, writing and the use of references. We will also address the difficulties that may hinder writing process such as doubt, self-criticism and writing and use practices of mindfulness and mindful self-compassion (MSC) to befriend self-criticism and self-doubt that may hinder the research and writing process. The workshop is useful at any level of the research process and as the exercises are applied to the manuscript the participant is working on.