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Defensio Felipe Castelblanco „Cartographies of the Unseen“

26. November 2021, 15.00 Uhr ONLINE via WEBEX

PhD Kandidat Felipe Castelblanco lädt zur Präsentation seiner Forschungsergebnisse und anschließender Diskussion.

ONLINE Webex / Web Stream: kuni-linz.webex.com

Cartographies of the Unseen is a practice-based artistic research project that investigates modes of territorial thinking and aesthetics from the Global South. Combining artist’s films, participatory research and co-production with leaders from five Indigenous nations of the Andean-Amazon region in the Southwest of Colombia, this project seeks to reveal the territory as a system of life-enabling relations across obscured layers of occupation and governance above and below the ground.

Preview link for films, texts and exhibitions: www.research.felipecastelblanco.com

Still Image From A Vertical Expedition (HD Video, 2019). Cartographies of the Unseen. © Felipe Castelblanco