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Uncanny aesthetics: perturbing images from art to mass culture

17. Juni 2024, 13.00 Uhr Kunstuniversität Linz, Hauptplatz 8, Hörsaal F

The PhD Research Collective invites to a guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Alessandro Alfieri

“Uncanny” is that which should remain hidden and suddenly appears, tearing the veil of familiarity. This is a typical expressive dynamic of our present, characterized by the radicalization of postmodernism by the web society, which concerns the expression of perverse and obscene tendencies of attraction that reject any imaginary barriers to show themselves directly in visibility. How has the commercial imagination been influenced by this new logic of expression? What is meant by the Uncanny Valley? And what is the function of art within these new contexts of meaning?

Alessandro Alfieri is a philosopher and essayist; Professor of Theory and Methods of Mass Media and Phenomenology of Media at the Academy of Fine Arts in Palermo, he has taught and lectured at several Italian academies and institutes.

Organizers: PhD Research Collective / Martin Höfer, Department of Artistic Practice at the Institute for Art and Education

Due to limited capacity, please register in advance.