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STUDIO (take 2)

7. und 8.11.2015, 16.00 bis 18.00 Uhr STEIM, Utrechtsedwarsstraat 134, Amsterdam

Beteiligung u.a. von FAXEN und Doris Prlic

Opening hours: Friday 7th and Saturday 8th of November, 16:00 – 18:00

Concert: Friday 7th of November, 20:30 (door open 20:00)

As part of an artist-in-residency stay, a group of (sound) artists take the STEIM sound studios as a place of inspiration – as a focus-point for the production of new site-specific sound works. The sound studios serve as a start or reference point for the exploration of an imaginative utilization of sound which is manifested in the specific architecture.

Participating artists:FAXEN (AUT, Lucas Norer, Clemens Mairhofer, Sebastian Six), Ivo Francx (GER), Francis Heery (IRL) Doris Prlic (AUT), Bartholomäus Traubeck (GER), Konsul Gandenwalze (GER)http://steim.org/event/studio-take-2/
