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Coco Crampton

17. April 2018, 15.00 Uhr Seminarraum Bildhauerei, Domgasse 1, 1.OG, 4020 Linz

Die Abteilung Bildhauerei - transmedialer Raum lädt zum Vortrag von Coco Crampton (UK).

Coco Crampton
was born in 1983 in London. She graduated from the Royal Academy Schools in 2014. Solo presentation at Artissima - Present Future, Tornino 2017. Recent exhibitions include: If You Can’t Stand the Heat, Roaming Projects, London (2018) Idea Home Show- A Room of Our Own, mima, Middlesbrough; Some Artists Working Sculpturally, Black Barn, Norfolk, RA Summer Exhibition 2017, Royal Academy of Arts, London (2017); Bowers: from form to public (solo show), Belmacz, London, RA Summer Exhibition 2016, Royal Academy of Arts, London; All Over (five-person show), Studio_Leigh, London, Gradation (recent graduates of the Royal Academy Schools), Art First, London; Gardeners & Astronomers (a two-person show with Nicole Vinokur), Caustic Coastal, Manchester (2016); Kingly Things (a two-person show with Agata Madejska curated by Gareth Bell-Jones), Chandelier Projects, London (2015); Handles on Romance & Other Girls also Common Tongue (solo show), The Minories Galleries, Colchester (2015); Cassius Clay (group show curated by Marcelle Joseph Projects), London and Protected Space (two-person show with Jonathan Baldock), Belmacz, London (2014). Coco lives and works in London.


Poster zum Vortrag von Coco Crampton, 2018