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13. März 2019, 15.00 Uhr Domgasse 1, 3. OG, pinkspace = Büro von Gilbert Bretterbauer

Die Abteilung textil·kunst·design und Gestaltung: Technik.Textil laden zum Gespräch mit Faivovich & Goldberg.

Since 2006, Guillermo Faivovich (b. 1977, Buenos Aires) and Nicolás Goldberg (b. 1978, Paris) have been engaged in an intensive and wide-ranging research project—A Guide to Campo del Cielo—that forms the basis of their practice. Campo del Cielo is located in northern Argentina and was the site of a meteor shower an estimated 4,000 years ago. Faivovich & Goldberg combine the roles of scientist, historian, anthropologist, and even bureaucrats, to realize projects that offer new ways of seeing and experiencing the terrestrial results of a long ago cosmic event, as well as thinking about its historical and cultural significance. Over more than a decade, the duo has produced a diverse body of work, laboriously mining the particularities of a singular event, Faivovich & Goldberg illuminate broadly resonant themes—the dynamics between an object and its documentation, the inherent complexities of institutional histories, and the complicated personal, cultural, and national relationships that develop with artifacts.

Selected projects include In search of Mesón de Fierro (Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, 2018), Decomiso (ASU Art Museum, Arizona, 2018), Un meteorito para la Sociedad Científica del año 2105 (U-Turn, ArteBA, Buenos Aires, 2018), numero (11 Gwangju Biennal, Korea, 2016), The San Juan Mass of Campo del Cielo en la Colección Guerrico (Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, 2014), the weight of uncertainty (documenta 13, Kassel, 2012), Los hoyos del Campo del Cielo y el meteorito (Fondazione Merz, Turin, 2011), Meteorit „El Taco” (Portikus, Frankfurt, 2010). They have also developed presentations for Universidad Di Tella, Buenos Aires (2018), Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary, Vienna (2017), Museo Malba, Buenos Aires (2017), Dia Art Foundation, New York (2013), and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (2011).


Naturhistorisches Museum Ausstellung

ANKÜNDIGUNG: Am Donnerstag, 14. März 2019, eröffnen F&G um 12.00 Uhr eine Ausstellung im UNITED NATIONS VIENNA ROTUNDA (C-building)
Wagramer Strasse (Vienna International Center), Wien. Anmeldung mit Pass- / ID-Nummer und E-Mail-Betreff "Faivovich & Goldberg bei UN“ unter folgender Adresse embajada@embargviena.at (Bis 11.3.)