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EEG based Brain Computer Interface & Art

21. März 2019, 15.00 Uhr Kunstuniversität Linz, Domgasse 1, DO0327

Interface Cultures lädt im Rahmen der Interface Cultures Lectures Series zum Gastvortrag von Erika Mondria.

This lecture explains the basic functions of electroencephalography (EEG) based Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI). The application possibilities of different systems will be shown by means of exemplary projects from the areas of art, medicine and scientific research.
The “brain-wave-boom” in arts might happen soon. How can we use BCI in the field of arts? Over the last 10 years Erika was working and gaining knowledge in the area of neuroscience, scientific research, development of BCI prototypes and within interactive art scenarios. This expertise allows her to interlink the technical BCI based-background with neuro-scientific knowledge (brain mapping), the experience of evoking mental states and the artistic thinking: it creates space for new approaches and thus new creative perspectives.

This presentation will:
- Explain how it is possible to paint a picture through your scalp (by your thoughts / brain activity)
- Compare the use of different systems like (EEG) based Brain Computer Interface Systems based on the event correlated potential (P- 300), motor imagery and steady state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) and other devices like functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)
- Describe by showing Videos and pictures the functionality of this BCI systems and tries to open up a space for new creative perspectives
- Demonstrate a use of a EEG based Brain Computer Interface device in combination with Oculus Rift, commanding a virtual game by your brainwave
- Hopefully open a space for discussions about the use of this technology in the field of arts.  And invites you to get in contact with high end BCI - devices.

Erika Mondria
She has studied Fine Art & Cultural Studies at the Linzer Art University and the Linzer Johannes Kepler University, Fine Art in London at London Institute Camberwell College & Central St. Martins College and Fine Art in Marseille at Aix-Marseille Université. In addition to her artistic activities she is working as Dipl. Mental trainer and in the position of the Supervisor for brain Projects in Ars Electronica.

CV Erika Mondria.doc

Abb. BCI volcano Mondria