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29. September bis 17. November 2022 Stadtgalerie Lehen, Inge-Morath-Platz 31, 5020 Salzburg

Beiträge zur künstlerischen Forschung in der Medienkunst

Interface Cultures Studierende Katsuki Nogami sowie Absolvent Stefan Tiefengraber sind an der Ausstellung beteiligt.

Die Stadtgalerien Salzburg präsentieren in Kooperation mit der Medienkunstplattform subnet, im Rahmen der Ausstellungreihe "be my guest" des AIR Programms der Stadt Salzburg, eine Ausstellung mit Künstler*innen des subnetAIR Programms (Artist Residency) von 2019 bis 2021.
Die Ausstellung zeigt unterschiedliche künstlerische Beiträge zur künstlerischen Forschung in der Medienkunst unter dem gemeinsamen Thema „Medien.Kunst.Realitäten“.

Klaus Erika Dietl und Stephanie Müller // Lukas Gwechenberger // Nora Jacobs // Tom Jacques und Silvia Rosani // Katsuki Nogami // Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka // Stefano Mori // Vera Sebert // Stefan Tiefengraber // Simon Whetham

The image becomes a unique piece featuring UV prints of my own faces from several years on a stone like a tombstone, and left for the future.
I made this work when I participated in the residency program during declaration of a state of emergency in Kyoto, Japan.I felt I was a foreign matter in this city, then I chose to print his skin on natural objects in the city with a uv printer.I've been collecting my daily skins with a 2d scanner for several years.You can easily remove detail on your face with a filter like Instagram even cameras have high resolution.Some faces doesn’t keep original one, it means importance of body is becoming less.It is a conflict between ideal and technology.However, I miss my ugly pores because it's also my identity at the same time.I can't find my identity online.In this digital era, everything is becoming digitalized.Even body will vanish someday.So I wanted to leave some objects as evidence of his being.
Although the discrimination I suffered while studying abroad made me hesitant to expose my face as my identity, I explored a way to deal with society by placing my artwork which is my alter ego in a public space.


Flyer zur Ausstellung "Medien.Kunst.Realitäten" Front, 2022

© Katsuki Nogami

© Katsuki Nogami

© Katsuki Nogami

© Katsuki Nogami