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Tokenizing the Body

20. Mai 2019, 16.00 Uhr Tabakfabrik Linz, Fashion & Technology, Peter-Behrens-Platz 10, 5. OG

Biometric data in the age of wearables and data security

Interface Cultures und Fashion&Technology laden im Rahmen der Interface Culture Lecture Series zum Gastvortrag von Sabine Seymour.

What is GDPR? What role plays Blockchain for democratizing data ownership? How can we encrypt biometric data and why do we need encrypted hardware?

Sabine Seymour, PhD
Body Data Sensorist
Founder + CEO SUPA - New York, Lisboa www.supa.ai
Founder + Chief Creative Research Officer MOONDIAL - New York, Vienna

Tabakfabrik Linz/ Fashion & Technology/ Seminarraum 1
Peter-Behrens-Platz 10 / Bau 1 / Stiege A / 5. Stock (entrance via Ludlgasse)

The lecture is organized by Interface Cultures and Fashion & Technology.


Sabine Seymour, PhD